Thursday, July 5, 2007

The Seven (new) Oneders (wonders)

There's some relatively small buzz in the world about picking seven "new" wonders of the world (see link).

In fact, there's a whole campaign that has been created for this. The aptly named "New 7 Wonders of the World" campaign is all set to announce this Saturday the new list in Portugal. Apparently this whole nonesense was started by some Swiss "adventurer" in 1999. Who claims they're an "adventurer"? I mean seriously.. c'mon.. get a day job.

What authority does our adventurer friend have here? What if... say.. the Soveriegn Nation of One Blind Mouse were to declare that list unofficial, and came up with our own list? Say perhaps.. in no particular order:

1. Muchhad Paanwalla
2. The gyro's from the Deli on Main Street Huntington Beach
3. The entire city of New York
4. The Dance Dance Revolution phenomenon
5. Those chocolate covered mini Tootsie Rolls
6. Tony Robbins
7. Sperry Topsiders

What then? Huh? Huh?

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